My Deliciously Delectable Review Of The Teen Novel “Butter”


The book of three hundred and forty-five pages named “Butter” by Erin Lange and published by Faber and Faber is the saddening tale of one boy of 423 pounds pushed too far over the edge and threatens to eat himself to death on New Years Eve live over webcast from his website “” But our main character adopts some newly found friends who cheer him on for his suicidal mission, but soon that cheering soon feels like popularity, and as the deadline draws near our main character is at a loss. Should he die and remain a hero among his faux friends? Or will he chicken out and go back to being nothing? This book gives the reader a true in-sight into the bullied and the bullies, and makes you question how we as a society judge the different. Also, this novel makes us

question our innocence in these common problems or the terminal faults in society, and it does in a subtle and graceful manner without pushing our limit. This book made me think long after the final page, and although not the happiest of books it is important that you read this book as it raises questions in society that needed to be raised long ago. I give this book a 9 out of 10, for not only facing the bullies in life but for encouraging the reader to look and defeat the bully within. I read this book within four days, comment and try and beat my record!

The first post of many (I hope)

This is my first post, a monumental step for the subsequently tiny blog! So basically only I am celebrating. I can’t wait to see what this blog becomes and I am almost excited for the future. If you’re reading, you are one of the many few and I thank you for bothering in the first place. For a teenager who is as lazy as parents who tell their children straight out that there is no magic I read ALOT, so I thought I would start a blog to catalogue my teen reads. If you are reading, I hope you enjoy my posts and thank you once again for bothering, and I hope this inspires you to read much more. Thank you and stick along for the ride!